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Frontotemporal Dementia (FTD) upliFT-D (PBFT02) Clinical Trial
Information for people with FTD and their caregivers

upliFT-D trial key
- Name: upliFT-D
- Treatment: PBFT02
- Goal: Study the effectiveness and safety of a new gene therapy, PBFT02, in people with FTD caused by a GRN mutation
- Ages eligible: 35 to 75 years old

Passage Bio is studying a potential new therapy called PBFT02 for the treatment of frontotemporal dementia caused by a GRN mutation (FTD-GRN).

PBFT02 is a novel gene therapy intended to help replace the gene that doesn't work in people with FTD-GRN, called the GRN gene.

This clinical trial, called upliFT-D, is studying if PBFT02 can help people with FTD-GRN.

People between the ages of 35 and 75, diagnosed with FTD and a confirmed GRN mutation will be included in this study. There are other criteria that determine eligibility, which may be discussed with a healthcare provider.
If you don't know if you have a GRN genetic mutation, click here for more information.
Contact Passage Bio to learn more:
We are here to help and we're happy to answer any questions you may have about FTD, the treatment we are studying, and the clinical trial.
Please fill out the form to the right below to contact Passage Bio. If you or your loved one is interested in participating in the study, please include the information listed below:
- Age
- Diagnosis
- Language preference
Learn about the upliFT-D trial
Watch Dr Juan Chavez, Vice President of Clinical Development at Passage Bio, explain important information about the upliFT-D trial that is studying a potential new therapy for people living with FTD-GRN. This video covers topics such as patient and care partner involvement, information on the potential therapy being studied, and how Passage Bio will help support you throughout the clinical trial.